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The Writing Path

I’ve decided to launch from my Rocket Kid Writing blog into a newly titled blog, which will be integrated with my new website (stay tuned!) as The Writing Path.

It’s not an easy path, involves some hard pulling at times, some days of feeling lost in the woods, but for me, it’s a compelling path of self-discovery. I have to keep going forward. And though it often feels solitary, I’m surrounded by writer friends, whether we connect in person over a cup of tea or coffee, or on Facebook, Twitter, or through the marvelous nonprofit organization for writers of women’s fiction, The Women’s Fiction Writers Association.

Two great things I did for my writer self last year: draft a (nearly) complete novel during National Novel Writing Month, and join the WFWA, where I’ve met and learned from many wonderful novelists.

So I plan to blog more about my adventures in the literary woods, the unique path I’ve carved, because we travel this writing path in different ways, and any tips and help I can bring to you on your writing path.

For readers, I hope this image and the feeling of a path resonates too. Reading is as great an adventure of self-discovery as writing. I only started writing because I couldn’t find the books I wanted to read, and I realized I needed to create them.

Happy Autumn and writing and reading!

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