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My Novel, THE INVISIBLES — Two sisters & a family ghost

THE INVISIBLES. Two sisters. One ghost. An impossible sacrifice.

In this magical realism tale of two sisters and a family ghost, Elinor and Saffron inherit their father’s cottage on the Italian coast. Their longtime rivalry explodes through a struggle for control of the inheritance. As they rehab the house for sale, Italy infuses its magic into them, and harmony and love begin to soften their conflict, but a shocking night changes everything. A tale of sisterhood and the supernatural, perfect for fans of Mary Ellen Taylor and Barbara O’Neal. Start reading today: order yours in ebook or paperback on Amazon.

“Two sisters torn apart by their personalities—Saffron is creative and carefree while her older sister, Elinor, has buried her romantic self in spreadsheets and dollar signs.” — Suanne Schafer, author of Hunting the Devil

“Romance blooms in all directions as each sister finds what she most needs, in a most surprising way.” – Diane Byington, author of WHO SHE IS

“THE INVISIBLES charms as both bookish mystery and ghost story, but it’s Dacus’s deft portrayal of the love and strain between sisters that will keep many readers on the edge of their seat.” – Willa Ramsey, Everything But The Earl

The Invisibles is available now in paperback and ebook. Click here to order yours.

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