
Reading here, and here, and here …

I’m in Colorado, mixing business, pleasure, and poetry readings. The first one I did here was at the Loveland Museum, as part of the Internet Poets Coop Series, run by poet, musician, and artist M.D. Friedman. The evening began with an open mic — an unusual arrangement, as usually the featured reader is first and open mic second — which allowed me to hear some Colorado poet voices before giving my reading. It was fun to hear my audience before addressing them, as I don’t usually get to do that.

And it’s always interesting to hear the poetic context in any reading series. Often reading series that include open mics have followers, regulars who often participate in the open mic and thus know each other’s work. There are discernible poetic sub-cultures that grow around groups that meet together regularly. They influence each other as poets. You can hear what the group as a whole encourages and perhaps subtly discourages in their responses.

My next Colorado event will be The Poets Coop TV Show, live on Sunday, September 5 at 7 pm, Boulder County Comcast Channel 54.  The video will be archived on The Poets Coop TV Show website and on my website.

And next Thursday, September 9 at 7 pm, I’ll be the featured reader at the Cannonmine Poetry Series, at Cannonmine Coffee Company, 210 S. Public Rd., Lafayette, CO. (303) 665-0625.

Wow! I feel handsomely welcomed here in Colorado.

Visit https://racheldacus.net for more information and writing by Rachel Dacus.

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5 thoughts on “Reading here, and here, and here …”

  1. Thanks for the good wishes! The readings went very well.

    Jeannine, I hope to get some reading dates around here, and will surely let you know. In the meantime, let's get that lunch date going!

    Carmi, so good to hear from you again. Thanks for stopping by.

    Terra, it was nice to have been in Colorado, such a beautiful place. Maybe it was meant to be that you found my blog!

  2. Welcome! I live here (though quite South of where you are now) and I have no idea how I got to your blog, but I figured since I did and you are in Colorado right now it must have been meant to be!

  3. What a cool blessing to be able to mix work and pleasure. I've been a stranger for a while, so it's an extra happy to come back and see you doing so well. Travel safe!

  4. Have fun! You know, I haven't gotten to see you read yet – let me know if you have any readings in Cali scheduled before the late fall…

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