
Poetry book contest + updates on my Non-Contest Publishers Page

Anis Shivani, in a Huffington Post article about poetry book contests, makes an excellent point about how contests damage the art:

Is this the best way to discover new poetry talent in the country? What happens to editorial judgment, consistent aesthetic vision, commitment to particular values, building a movement, advocating for a particular style, and creating a critical mass of new writing if the contest model is allegedly based in “impartiality” and “blindness”–in other words, pretends to be the exemplar of democracy, egalitarianism, and disavowal of values?

My page of poetry book publishers who read outside of contests — and presumably exercise this type of editorial judgment, rather than giving it over to grad student screeners — has been updated. The venerable Tupelo Press was added, and also some information about reading periods and reading fees (the new sneaky way of getting the same amount of money as in a contest, but with a different evaluation paradigm).

I agree with Shivani’s basic idea: we need to rethink in this country how poetry is edited and published if we don’t want to see poetry further marginalized and made tepid and culturally insignificant. A lot of people like poetry and have never heard of any of the books being published to great fanfare. What’s wrong with this picture? Publishers complain about the media ignoring poetry, but I wonder if there’s a good reason it mostly gets ignored.

Visit https://racheldacus.net for more information and writing by Rachel Dacus.

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