Rachel Dacus – About Me

Rachel Dacus — Short Bio

Rachel Dacus is the author of six novels, four time travel books in the Timegathering Series and two books of women’s fiction. She has also published four poetry collections. Rachel’s work has appeared widely in literary magazines, including Boulevard, Gargoyle, Prairie Schooner, adn Terrain. Her poetry appears in anthologies Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California and Radiant DisUnities: Real Ghazals in English. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

My Story as a Creative

I grew up in San Pedro, California, the port of Los Angeles. At that time, it was the fishing center of the West Coast and a town of European immigrants. Having a rocket scientist father who also painted and a mother who was in various choruses, I was surrounded by art, science, and music. Naturally, I decided to study something completey different, ballet. I always wanted to be my own person. I fell in love with stories and writing at the same time. At age ten I wrote my first novel, a mystery with twin girl detectives like Nancy Drew. An unforgettable art history tour of northern Italy inspired my The Timegathering Series with Book 1, The Renaissance Club. I wrote The Invisibles as an homage to my late brother and our close relationship. Since I always wanted a sister, it became a story of very different sisters who find a path to harmony, with the help of a guardian spirit, a 19th century poet.

A childhood love of fairytales sparked my interest in life’s hidden dimensions. L. Frank Baum’s Oz books and the rainbow fairytale books started the ball rolling. I still have my old set of Oz books! I used to trace the gorgeous John R. Neill illustrations. Magical realism runs through all my poetry and fiction. I have a bent toward things spiritual and mystical, which began as I was growing up and reading books like The Tao de Ching and Many Mansions. The Japanese haiku poets, Dylan Thomas, and Wallace Stevens shaped my love of image, metaphor, and the music of words. I studied ballet, hoping to make it a career, but I broke my heart (and my back) in that pursuit. A typewriter was safer than a ballet barre. My father was a painter and a rocket engineer, which drew a lot of unusual people to our house. My first poetry collection, Earth Lessons, gathers poems of our living planet.

My Writing Muse

This is Terry Dacus (officially “Elfinsilk’s Theresa d’Avila”). She gives me inspiration and a hobby, by curling up next to me as I write and by requiring frequent grooming and daily walking. Doesn’t every writer need a spirit animal? Or a plant, a presence to partner your creative musings.

Women’s Fiction Writer’s Association

Alliance of Independent Authors

Sharing information and experiences nurtures my process and provides invaluable mutual support.

Interviews, Appearances & Readings

NEW! Rachel’s Interview with Author Shail Rajan. Watch HERE.

Interview on author Amanda Read’s
World to Write podcast here.

Women’s Fiction Writers Association podcastDebut authors 2018

See Books by Rachel Dacus for more information.

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