
Non-Contest Book Publishers

The list is growing. Maybe a new trend is starting? Non-contest reading, perhaps with a small reading fee. Sounds like a reasonable way to conduct a small press.

Adam Deutsch, of the new Cooper Dillon Books, wrote to let me know that they read poetry book manuscripts – both chapbooks and full-length – outside of contests. He writes:

“We’re a fairly new press, releasing our first titles right now. We’ve
just put out a chapbook by Gary McDowell’s /They Speak of Fruit/, and
have a chap coming from Jill Alexander Essbaum and a full-length by Nate
Pritts coming in the next month or so.

“.. we don’t run a contest, and do not plan to. Our reading
period is closed right this minute, but it’ll reopen April 1st and run
until August 15th (or so). There will be a reading fee of $10/or
buy-a-book, but a portion of fees will go to a local San Diego charity.
Details will be found at CooperDillon.com
closer to the opening of the reading period.”

My Non-Contest Poetry Book Publishers page has been updated to include Cooper Dillon Books.

Visit https://racheldacus.net for more information and writing by Rachel Dacus.

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3 thoughts on “Non-Contest Book Publishers”

  1. I'm really sorry to hear that. Thanks for letting me know. I'll update the page. One goes one, one comes off. I'd like to see it be two go on, one comes off, so I'll be hopeful for 2010 to engender some new small presses.

  2. This is great. Thanks! Sadly, your Publishers Page needs an update indicating that Eastern Washington University Press is closing and presumably is no longer seeking new manuscripts of any kind.

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